
The Tradeshow will be held February 27th - 28th, 2024 in Regency Ballrooms A, B, and C.

Welcome our tradeshow for businesses and organizations seeking to enhance their presence and connect with potential partner organizations. This event is perfect for those looking to promote themselves, forge valuable connections and engage with like-minded organizations that share your goals.

list of exhibitors

  1. TBay Modular Floors
  2. TBay Modular Floors
  3. Newmont
  4. Hydro One
  5. North Star Air
  6. Canadian Forest Services
  7. IESO
  8. Civeo
  9. Maximum Rose
  10. Indigenous Community Engagement
  11. Trucor
  12. One Bowl
  13. Ontario Power Generation
  14. Boreal Solutions
  15. Wyloo
  16. TBT Engineering
  17. Horizon North
  18. OFNEDA
  19. Chi Mino Ozhitoowin
  20. Free Ride EV Education Project
  21. Windigo First Nation Council
  22. Smart Modular Canada
  23. KGS Group
  24. Anishnawbe Business Professional Association
  25. Silvacom Limited
  26. Seven Generations Education Institute
  27. Tipi Horse Connects
  28. Origin
  29. Windigo Catering
  30. Morgan Fuels
  31. First Nations Financial Management Board
  32. Shared Value Solutions
  33. Nordbest / 73 Health
  34. Natural Resources Institute Finland
  35. EHP Environment
  36. Tecwill Concrete Plants & Technology
  37. Oshki
  38. First Nation Bank Canada
  39. NADF
  40. CEDC
  41. Sportop